Our latest News

5th November 2009

Kilimanjaro ice could vanish within 20 years, study suggests

The famous Snows of Kilimanjaro that cap Africa's highest mountain are melting so fast they could be gone within two decades, according to a study of the mountain's ice fields that used data going back nearly a century.

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5th November 2009

Global warming could create 150 million 'climate refugees' by 2050

A new report from the Environmental Justice Foundation says 10% of the global population is at risk of forced displacement due to climate change.

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5th November 2009

Australia's emissions fall as economy slows

Australia's greenhouse gas emissions fell in the year to June, the first decline since a greenhouse inventory started in 1998, as the economy slowed due to the global financial crisis.

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5th November 2009

Fewer Americans now believe in climate change

The number of Americans who believe in global warming has plummeted, falling 20% in two years, a survey has said. Only 57% of Americans believe there is solid scientific evidence that the Earth's atmosphere is warming, s...

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5th November 2009

Yemen could become first nation to run out of water

Yemen is set to be the first country in the world to run out of water, providing a taste of the conflict and mass movement of populations that may spread across the world if population growth outstrips natural resources.

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5th November 2009

Japan's fuel emissions drop

A slumping economy pushed down Japanese carbon dioxide emissions from burning fuels by a record 6.7% in the year to March 2009, the trade ministry has said, but the country is still far from meeting its Kyoto Protocol ob...

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5th November 2009

Palm oil buyers failing sustainability test

The majority of European palm oil buyers are failing to buy certified sustainable palm oil, despite its availability and the previous commitments by many companies to purchase it, according to a first assessment by WWF.

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5th November 2009

Canada sets aside its boreal forest as giant carbon vault

A new conservation drive in Canada's boreal forests will see the banning of logging, mining, and oil drilling on some 250m acres � an area more than twice the size of California.

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5th November 2009

Basic food prices to rocket with unchecked climate change, says FOE

New figures published by Friends of the Earth show that the price of staple foods is set to increase four and a half times above normal inflation because the changing climate will put extra stress on land and resources a...

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5th November 2009

New climate change warning for Africa

An influential scientist has warned that climate change could devastate Africa, predicting an increase in catastrophic food shortages.

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