Our latest News

8th October 2009

Climate change adaptation costs rocketing

Adapting to the impact of global warming in developing countries is set to cost around $75 billion to $100 billion a year over the next 40 years, according to a new World Bank study.

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8th October 2009

Strict global carbon budget needed - WWF report

A strict global carbon budget between now and 2050 based on a fair distribution between rich and poor nations has the potential to prevent dangerous climate change and keep temperature rise well below two degrees Celsius...

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8th October 2009

Rich countries 'must slash living standards'

Living standards in Britain and other rich countries must fall sharply over the next decade if the world is to avoid catastrophic global warming, according to a leading climate research centre.

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8th October 2009

Stress is pushing the koala to extinction

The koala, Australia's star symbol, is dying of stress. The marsupial is found only along the coastal areas of eastern Australia where it feeds off the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. But, as more and more people move to ...

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8th October 2009

Cyprus unveils huge wind farm

Cyprus has moved closer to reaching the European Union's renewable energy target by 2020, with the birth of the first wind park on the island. Expected to be operational by the summer of 2010, the 200 million euro, 82 me...

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7th October 2009

Final details of CRC scheme published

The final details of the Government's Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme have been announced by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

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5th October 2009

Guidance published on GHG emissions

New guidance to measure and tackle greenhouse gas emissions for businesses and organisations has been published by Defra and DECC. The guidance has been published alongside advice on what it means to be carbon neutral.

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24th September 2009

Ancient glaciers disappearing faster than ever

Melting ice is pouring off Greenland and Antarctica into the sea far faster than was previously realised because of global warming, new scientific research has revealed.

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24th September 2009

World's leading scientists call for 40% emission cut

Forty of the world's leading climate change scientists united in a call to global leaders, demanding greater action on climate change.

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24th September 2009

Wind power "could cut China's emissions by 30%"

China's energy needs are expected to double by 2030, but a study in the journal Science says the country could produce 30% less carbon dioxide if it uses wind power to meet them.

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