Our latest News

5th November 2009

Maldives' windfarm plan to provide 40% of islands' electricity

Plans for a new windfarm are set to make the Maldives the country with the highest proportion of renewable power in the world.

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5th November 2009

Canada and Greenland to jointly manage polar bears

Canada and Greenland have agreed to create a joint commission to recommend how many of the polar bears shared between the two countries can be hunted each year.

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22nd October 2009

Largely open Arctic Seas in summer within 10 years

New data released by the Catlin Arctic Survey and WWF provides further evidence that the Arctic Ocean sea ice is thinning, supporting the emerging thinking that the Ocean will be largely ice-free during summer within a d...

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22nd October 2009

Further debate needed on biofuels says UN report

A new United Nations report calls for a more sophisticated approach to developing biofuels as an energy option to ensure that it benefits society, the economy and the environment as a whole.

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22nd October 2009

Argentina and Paraguay make forest pledge

Argentina and Paraguay have made a historic pledge to save one of the world's most threatened forests.

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22nd October 2009

Living close to major roads may increase risk of rheumatoid arthritis

People who live close to major roads with high levels of traffic pollution may have a greater risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, according to a recent study. This has possible implications for town planners.

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22nd October 2009

Europe offers to cut emissions 95% by 2050 if deal reached at Copenhagen

Europe attempted to reassert its international leadership in the fight against global warming, offering to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by up to 95% by 2050 and by 30% by 2020 if a climate change pact is sealed in ...

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22nd October 2009

African elephants could be extinct in 15 years

African elephants could be extinct within 15 years because of the illegal ivory trade, conservation experts have warned.

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22nd October 2009

Just five years to avoid climate catastrophe, says WWF

The world has just five years to initiate a low carbon industrial revolution before runaway climate change becomes almost inevitable, according to a new analysis from WWF.

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22nd October 2009

Millennium seed bank hits 10% target

Kew Gardens has completed its seed bank collection of 10% of world's plant species threatened by climate change and human habitat.

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