Our latest News

10th September 2009

Great Barrier Reef faces catastrophe

The Great Barrier Reef's chances of survival from even moderate climate change are poor and ''catastrophic damage'' may not be avoided, a new report has warned.

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10th September 2009

Japan vows big climate change cut

Japan's next leader has promised a big cut in greenhouse gas emissions, saying he will aim for a 25% reduction by 2020 compared to 1990 levels.

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10th September 2009

Water transfers lacking scrutiny, says report

Large scale transfers of water from one river basin to another are generally occurring without adequate scrutiny of their economic, environmental and social impacts, according to an analysis released by WWF.

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10th September 2009

El Ni�o likely to continue into 2010

The United Nations agency dealing with weather, climate and water says an El Ni�o event has begun in the tropical Pacific and is likely to continue into early 2010.

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10th September 2009

New species discovered in Papua New Guinea

A team of biologists and filmmakers from the BBC have found strange spiders, a rat the size of a cat and a frog with fangs co-habiting in a pristine giant volcano in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.

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10th September 2009

Autumn colours fade in US west

The American West is losing its autumn colours as global warming begins to bite and there is far more at stake than iconic scenery.

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28th August 2009

Engineers' ideas for cooling the Planet

Engineers have published the world's first 100-year action plan on how to tackle climate change using mechanical trees and algae. If the initiatives, put forward by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) are ad...

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28th August 2009

Annual cost of climate change 'will be £190bn'

British experts have warned that the UN has seriously underestimated the expected annual cost of dealing with climate impacts. The true global cost of adapting to climate change is likely to be many times greater than of...

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28th August 2009

Review of organic food published

An independent review commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has indicated that there are no important differences in the nutrition content, or any additional health benefits, of organic food when compared with ...

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28th August 2009

US grants $300 million for alternative fuel vehicles

The US Energy Department will award nearly $300 million to a clean cities programme to help communities buy alternative-fuel vehicles, Vice President Joe Biden and Energy Secretary Steven Chu have said.

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