Our latest IEMA News

13th December 2006

No Firm Link Between Cyclones and Climate Change

Despite a recent increase in dangerous typhoons and hurricanes, no firm link can yet be drawn between human-induced climate change and variations in intensity and frequency of tropical cyclones, the United Nations World ...

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13th December 2006

Milliband Considers Personal Carbon Allowances

A new scoping study of a personal carbon allowances scheme shows that it is potentially a simple idea that could put a cap on individuals' carbon dioxide emissions in a fair and forward-looking way.

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13th December 2006

E–Waste Tackled in Kenya

Delegates from 120 nations met in Kenya last week to discuss the growing problem of �e-waste' � discarded computers and other electronic devices that pose risks to human and environmental health through exposure to a var...

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13th December 2006

Pollution Hits Rice Harvest Hard

Pollution-laden clouds may be partly to blame for India's dwindling rice harvests, according to research.

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13th December 2006

NZ environment at 'tipping point'

A think-tank report has taken a swipe at the New Zealand Government for failing the environment.

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13th December 2006

Sustainability of U.S. Ethanol Production

To encourage ethanol production,U.S. Congress has passed legislation that provides subsidies to ethanol producers and mandates oil companies to blend at least 4 Ggal of ethanol with gasoline annually. Furthermore, ethano...

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13th December 2006

Lose–lose: the penalties of acting alone stall collective effort on climate change

A popular radio comedy series in 1940s Britain featured a sketch in which two excessively polite gentlemen would find themselves unable to pass through a doorway, paralysed by their own good manners. "After you, Claude,"...

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13th December 2006

Barker sets out proposals for planning system fit for 21st century

Kate Barker has published her final report on the Land Use Planning System in England. The report highlights the vital role planning needs to play to deliver sustainable economic development in the context of the pressur...

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13th December 2006

Drought slows Australia's economy

Australia has reported a slowdown in economic growth, as the country struggles with a severe drought.

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13th December 2006

Low & Zero Carbon Buildings Technology Group launched

The Construction Products Association has launched the Low & Zero Carbon Buildings Technology Group, which will investigate ways to reduce the carbon emissions associated with new builds and the existing building sto...

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