Our latest IEMA News

13th December 2006

Amazon Protection From Government

A swath of Amazon rain forest the size of England has been placed under government protection in a region known for violent conflicts among loggers, ranchers and environmentalists.

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13th December 2006

Kelly Goes for Zero Carbon

A challenging package of measures for planners and housebuilders, which will help to reduce carbon emissions and bring innovation to the building industry, was published today by Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly. The aim...

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13th December 2006

Sustainable Learning and School Design Forum

Sustainable Learning, a new programme providing a structured, task-based approach to managing energy and water use in schools, has been launched by BRE in association with DfES.

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13th December 2006

Lewis' Wind Scaled Down

The company behind the UK's largest onshore wind farm project - proposed for the Hebridean island of Lewis - has unveiled revised plans for the scheme. The reworked proposal comprises 181 wind turbines compared with the ...

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13th December 2006

Prince will tread carefully to give himself a lighter carbon footprint

The ranks of commuters lining railway platforms are likely to be joined by the Prince of Wales as part of an effort to reduce the royal carbon footprint.

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29th November 2006

Migratory Species to be Hit by Climate Change

This report indicates that climate change is and will increasingly have dramatic impacts on migratory species from whales and dolphins to birds and turtles.

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29th November 2006

Chelsea Tractors and Air Travel to be Hit by Brown Budget

"Chelsea tractor" drivers and air travellers face substantial increases in tax as part of Gordon Brown's pre-budget report next month.

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29th November 2006

Human waste used to create green fuel

A Canadian company is creating an alternative green fuel from a new source of energy that was under our noses all along - human sewage. Scientists at biofuel group Dynamotive say the oil produced from human waste can be ...

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29th November 2006

Warmer oceans storing climate change dangers

The Guardian reports: Global warming is creating a climate time bomb by storing enormous amounts of heat in the waters of the north Atlantic, UK scientists have discovered.

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26th November 2006

WHO stresses link between urban planning and health

The World Health Organisation's (WHO) regional office for Europe has published two reports highlighting evidence of how physical activity and sports improve people's physical and mental health.

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