Our latest IEMA News

14th November 2006

Feeling the Heat

According to 'Feeling the heat', published on 20 October by development charity Tearfund, there are 25m "environmental migrants" in the world, who have fled such events as sea level rises, flooding, poor harvests and dro...

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14th November 2006

Ken To Tackle CO2 from Vehicles with Congrestion Charge

The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, today announced he will take forward the policy of reducing London's C02 emissions by introducing emissions-based charging to the existing congestion charge scheme. The mayor unveile...

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14th November 2006

Rainwater Harvesting Could Solve Africa's Problem

African countries suffering or facing water shortages as a result of climate change have a massive potential in rainwater harvesting, with nations like Ethiopia and Kenya capable of meeting the needs of six to seven time...

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14th November 2006

Carmakers reject EU plan for CO2 emissions law

The Association of European Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA) reacts angrily to a Commission threat to impose legislation as industry fails to deliver promised CO2 cuts.

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14th November 2006

Haze of Opinion in SE Asia

Environment ministers from five Southeast Asian countries endorsed a plan of action on Thursday to fight forest fires in Indonesia that have spread choking smoke across the region.

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14th November 2006

Greener Cars Need Greener Buyers

For Toyota advanced vehicle engineer and spokesman Bill Reinert the problem of selling greener cars to an uninformed public who hasn't the slightest notion of the concept of peak oil is just as daunting, if not more than...

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14th November 2006

China to pass US greenhouse gas levels by 2010

China's rapid industrialisation and rising wealth means that it will become a bigger emitter of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas blamed for global warming, than the United States by 2010, an authoritative report s...

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14th November 2006

China's environment 'deteriorating'

A report released paints a damning picture of China's "deteriorating environmental conditions" and suggests 51 initiatives that could be implemented to improve the situation.

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14th November 2006

EcoVillage Wins Sustainability Award

Poole has proved that it is doing its part in encouraging energy conservation and sustainable construction as Seldown Eco-Village collected the Poole Pride of Place, Sustainability Award for 2006.

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14th November 2006

Brussels heats up over climate change

Climate change and energy issues have gone to the top of the EU's political agenda, as demonstrated by several Brussels conferences last week.

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