Our latest IEMA News

31st October 2006

Stern Rips up the Last Excuse for Doing Nothing – Are you Listening Mr Bush?

Journalists were bizarrely banned from asking questions at the launch of the Stern Review yesterday, so the question several reporters wanted to ask Tony Blair, who was presiding, was never put: "What message do you thin...

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31st October 2006

It's Not Just About Money – The Day That Changed the Climate?

Climate change has been made the world's biggest priority, with the publication of a stark report showing that the planet faces catastrophe unless urgent measures are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Future gene...

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31st October 2006

Leading Economist Shows Economic Impact of Climate Change Needs Action

A comprehensive review on the economics of climate change has been published by HM Treasury. The review, commissioned by Chancellor Gordon Brown in July last year, has been carried out by Sir Nicholas Stern, head of the ...

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29th October 2006

Marine Energy Funding Support for Scotland

An �8 million fund to support marine energy projects in Scottish waters and keep Scotland at the forefront of the world renewable energy drive is open for applications.

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29th October 2006

Climate change 'will hit vital sectors'

Climate change will hit a large number of vital sectors - water, health, ecosystems, planning and infrastructure, the Government warned today. Climate Change and Environment Minister Ian Pearson welcomed the results of a...

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29th October 2006

Global Warming Film Brings Moral Message to U.S. Audiences

The Great Warming, a feature-length film documenting the effects of climate change on individuals and communities across the globe, will be released in U.S. theaters on November 4. Adapted from Lydia Dotto's book Storm W...

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29th October 2006

Commission seeks to drastically cut energy use - cities to play their part

On 19 October, the European Commission presented its action plan to cut Europe's energy consumption by twenty percent in the next fourteen years. If successful, the EU could save more than 100 billion euros annually. The...

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29th October 2006

How the green shoots of change are sprouting around Britain

Driving a 4x4 in one part of south-west London could become an even more expensive luxury under plans to penalise gas-guzzlers.

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29th October 2006

Climate change: The Independent's Green Paper

Tony Blair says global warming is among the biggest threats of our age. But are his plans for a Climate Bill ambitious enough? Here, we offer a more radical manifesto:

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29th October 2006

Bus is the Answer to GHG Emissions

This summer, the bus rapid transit system of Bogot�, Colombia, earned the distinction of being the world's first mass transport project to be approved for participation in the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism...

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