Our latest IEMA News

13th November 2006

WRAP's Innovation Fund

WRAP's Innovation Fund is seeking new proposals to optimise carton board, corrugate and other paper-based packaging.

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2nd November 2006

Stern on environmental impact

The world must act now to curb climate change, as doing nothing will cost more long-term. British government official and former World Bank chief economist Sir Nicholas Stern said pursuing alternative energy made economi...

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2nd November 2006

PM's vow to tackle global warming hit by plans to treble flights

Britain's airports are planning to treble the number of flights by 2030, despite the recent Stern report's grave warnings about the environmental effects of expanding air travel in the UK.

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2nd November 2006

Moving into a greener gear

Cars raise various ethical issues. They account for around a fifth of the UK's greenhouse gases, with a typical vehicle producing its own weight in CO2 for every 6,000 miles driven. Moreover, car emissions include a cock...

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31st October 2006

Cities pioneer large–scale use of hydrogen buses

Six cities across Europe and Canada have launched a drive to make hydrogen fuel cell buses commercially viable. The cities of London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Hamburg and the province of British Columbia are to join...

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31st October 2006

Urban Sprawl in Europe

A new ICLEI publication tracks patterns of urban sprawl in Europe. Urban sprawl means the growth of cities and towns - it is a process of modifying urban areas and their hinterlands and represents a challenge to sustaina...

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31st October 2006

Learning Alliances for Integrated Urban Water Management

'SWITCH - Sustainable Water Management Improves Tomorrow's Cities Health' has launched a 'Learning Alliance' to explore and promote integrated urban water management.

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31st October 2006

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Worrying from Industrialised Nations Says UN

Emissions by industrialized countries of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming showed a "worrying" upward trend in the 2000�2004 period and state policies must be intensified to achieve further cuts, according to a ...

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31st October 2006

'Almost too late' to stop a global catastrophe

The possibility of avoiding a global catastrophe is "already almost out of reach", Sir Nicholas Stern's long-awaited report on climate change will warn today.

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31st October 2006

Project Heatsun – A Genuinely Sustainable PC

A pioneering green computer, the IAMECO, has been showcased at the closing event of an Irish LIFE-Environment project, Project HEATSUN, which took place in Dublin on 12 October 2006.

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