Our latest IEMA News

17th October 2006

UK 'must act' on plane emissions

Britain will not be able to meet its goals on climate change without curbing the demand for air travel, according to an Oxford University report. The government is aiming for a 60% cut in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050...

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15th October 2006

Defra supports English regions' one planet living targets

Defra has backed the activities and projects of nine English regions looking to achieve one planet living and tackle climate change. Each regional project forms part of the Securing the Regions' Futures programme, the Go...

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15th October 2006

Prepare for climate change Says NZ Environment Commissioner

New Zealand could be in for a rough ride in the face of turbulent changes in the world, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Morgan Williams has warned. Speaking in Marlborough, Dr Williams said the latest evid...

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15th October 2006

Junk mail deal alarms councils

Royal Mail was warned today not to unleash an avalanche of "unnecessary rubbish" on households as it manoeuvres to increase the amount of junk mail it can deliver. Sandy Bruce-Lockhart, chair of the Local Government Asso...

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15th October 2006

Hydrogen energy potential

The development of hydrogen fuel cells could net �500 million for the Scottish economy and sustain 10,000 jobs, according to a report published today.

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15th October 2006

Earth's ecological debt crisis: mankind's 'borrowing' from nature hits new record

Today is a bleak day for the environment, the day of the year when mankind over-exploits the world's resources - the day when we start living beyond our ecological means.

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15th October 2006

Green PCs save money and environment

Tranquil PC says the computer industry should do more to help users save a fortune in electricity costs and reduce our impact on the environment.

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15th October 2006

Parliament Refit Using Illegal Rainforest Timber

Work at the House of Commons is using plywood containing illegally logged rainforest timber from Papua New Guinea, an investigation has revealed. According to environmental NGO Greenpeace, two tonnes of plywood being use...

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15th October 2006

Plants Become Air Quality Detectives at Goddard Visitor Centre

What does a garden have to do with the chemistry of the atmosphere and air quality? One of the newest exhibits at NASA Goddard's Visitor Center, Greenbelt, Md., is a project related to NASA's Aura satellite. Aura is curr...

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15th October 2006

Ghana Environment Minister Alarmed by Mining Activities

The Ghanaian Minister for Local Government, Rural Development and Environment, has bemoaned the pace at which illegal mining activities are destroying the image of the country as an investment haven. "Their activities al...

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