Our latest IEMA News

18th October 2006

Valuable underground resource under threat

Pollution and growing demand for water are putting valuable groundwater supplies in England and Wales at risk according to the Environment Agency.

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18th October 2006

Microgeneration for the masses

Energy companies, high street banks and consumer finance companies were challenged today (Tues) by Climate Change and Environment Minister Ian Pearson to develop low-cost finance schemes to help boost take-up of househol...

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18th October 2006

Branson asks Brown to cut duty on fuel to power green trains

Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Trains business is close to winning a concession from Gordon Brown that will launch the UK's first biofuel-powered rail service.

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18th October 2006

Airport policy 'conflicts with carbon targets'

The UK government must make up its mind on whether it wants to encourage airport expansion or reduce carbon emissions, according to a new report. The UK will fail to meet its targets for reducing climate change impacts u...

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17th October 2006

Film gives coffee firms a roasting on sustainability

Buying practices of the world's biggest coffee companies have come under renewed public scrutiny from a new film which explores the journey of coffee beans from plantation to cup.

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17th October 2006

East Africa faces severe drought

A new scientific report due to be presented at a climate change conference in Nairobi next month, warns that global warming is set to make severe drought across Africa even worse than had been predicted.

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17th October 2006

Karma Climate Police – Rock tours damaging environment, says Radiohead singer

The boredom caused by endless hours on the tour bus and a succession of anonymous hotel rooms are well known problems, but rock stars on tour now have something else to grumble about: the environmental impact. Thom Yorke...

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17th October 2006

Fueling the future – Biomass

Biomass, the oldest form of renewable energy, has been used for thousands of years. Its relative share of use has declined with the emergence of fossil fuels to some 13% of the world's primary energy supply worldwide.

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17th October 2006

Air pollution is a major threat to health, says WHO

Air pollution is a major threat to health, says WHO The World Health Organization says that its new guidelines on air quality could help save as many as 300 000 lives around the world each year. The guidelines call for m...

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17th October 2006

Annan Calls for Climate Change Action

With the growing number of ratifications of major environmental agreements suggesting that more countries are committed to addressing global ecological issues, the true test remains implementation and enforcement, especi...

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