Our latest IEMA News

15th October 2006

Alaska Study Offers Strategies to Mitigate Climate Change

Using Interior Alaska's boreal forests as a case study, a team of scientists led by University of Alaska Fairbanks ecologist F. Stuart (Terry) Chapin III recently offered four policy strategies for sustaining people and ...

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4th October 2006

Councils 'fitting chips for rubbish tax' ? Polluter Pays Principle Catches up With Domestic Waste in the UK

More than 30 councils are fitting microchips to wheelie bins in advance of a possible "pay as you throw" scheme for landfill waste, it was reported today. Local authorities do not have the power to charge householders ac...

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4th October 2006

Global warming devastates sea ice in Arctic Circle

Sea ice in the Arctic last month melted to its second lowest monthly minimum in the 29-year record of satellite measurements. Scientists at the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) in Colorado said the total surf...

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4th October 2006

The century of drought

One third of the planet will be desert by the year 2100, say climate experts in the most dire warning yet of the effects of global warming writes Michael McCarthy, Environmental Editor in The Independent.

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4th October 2006

Stern Review Says Climate Action Now Will Cost Less than Procrastination

The world must act now to curb climate change, as doing nothing will cost more long-term, UK officials have said. British government official and former World Bank chief economist Sir Nicholas Stern said pursuing alterna...

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4th October 2006

Manchester stadium to host wind turbine Planning Resource

Manchester stadium to host wind turbine Planning Resource - 03 October 2006 Manchester Stadium is set to become the first sport stadium in the world to have its own wind turbine after Manchester Council gave it the go-ah...

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4th October 2006

G8 on Climate and Energy Talks in Mexico

Governments are failing to take the action needed to reach legally binding targets agreed under the Kyoto treaty on climate change, Friends of the Earth International warned ahead of a key meeting of Ministers from 20 of...

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4th October 2006

Antarctic Ozone Hole is Worst Ever Recorded Say UN

This year's hole in the Antarctic ozone layer is the worst on record, not only matching that of the year 2000 in surface area but registering the largest depletion ever measured of the naturally occurring gas that filter...

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2nd October 2006

Climate Change is more than Just an Environmental Issues Says Annan

Climate change must be viewed as much more than an environmental issue if the world is to understand and tackle the scope and nature of the threat it represents, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said last night.

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2nd October 2006

Office of Climate Change Set Up by Defra

A new department dedicated to combating global warming has been launched by the Government. The Office of Climate Change (OCC) will provide a shared resource for the development of policy and strategy on the issue, on bo...

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