Our latest IEMA News

19th September 2006

Congestion charges - the road to sustainable mobility in the EU?

As 771 European cities prepare to launch the 2006 European Mobility week, Stockholm's inhabitants must vote on a system of road tolls aimed at reducing traffic in the city centre. From 16 to 22 September 2006, European c...

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19th September 2006

Bulgaria's Enviornment Legislation Harmonised with European

The harmonisation of Bulgarian environment legislation with European standards has been completed, Environment and Water Affairs Minister Djevdet Chakurov said.

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19th September 2006

UK 'lacks ambition' on bioenergy

British policies on bioenergy from plants and other natural materials lack ambition and clarity, MPs have said. The Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (Efracom) says the UK is lagging behind other coun...

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19th September 2006

An Inconvenient Truth – In a Cinema Near You Now

The Al Gore film "An Inconvenient Truth" is being screened in the UK now.

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6th September 2006

Government outlines industry carbon trading plans

Details of how industry will be expected to reduce carbon emissions in the face of climate change have been announced by Defra. The National Allocation Plan (NAP) focuses on the biggest carbon emitters and more carbon em...

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6th September 2006

Two billion homes could be free from escalating electricity costs

Two billion households worldwide could realistically be powered by solar energy by 2025, according to a joint report launched by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and Greenpeace.

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6th September 2006

Shrinking glaciers in Washington bode ill for environment

With more glaciers than any state in the Lower 48, Washington state has emerged as a bellwether for global warming. The signs are not encouraging.

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6th September 2006

Survey predicts private sector to play important role in solving climate change

Companies and business associations will be the most effective organizations in developing and implementing solutions to climate change, according to a recent survey.

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6th September 2006

10 Years to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change Says Nottingham Professor

The world only has 10 years to develop and implement new technologies to generate clean electricity before climate change reaches the point of no return - something the UK government failed to appreciate in its recent en...

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6th September 2006

Climate Change Will Bring New Disease Problems

Climate change could bring new diseases to the UK, as organisms which can only survive in warm countries, begin to flourish here, a scientist will warn tomorrow. Paul Hunter, Professor of health protection at the Univers...

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