Our latest IEMA News

2nd October 2006

El Nino Weather Pattern Now Likely Into 2007

A weak to moderate El Ni�o is now likely, persisting into early next year, according to the latest United Nations forecast on the weather pattern that periodically disrupts the Pacific area with consequences that can ran...

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2nd October 2006

Energy efficiency: action plan ditched or strengthened?

The European Commission's postponement of the adoption of the action plan on energy efficiency has raised questions about its commitment to one of the main priorities of the new European energy policy.

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2nd October 2006

UN environment head calls for better balance between trade and natural resources

Better balance is needed between liberalizing trade and protecting natural resources, the head of the United Nations environment agency has said, warning that such "natural capital" is being exhausted at an alarming rate...

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2nd October 2006

Biomass Could Drive Invasive Species

As the United States looks to crops as possible future sources of energy, a University of Arkansas researcher and his colleagues call for caution, citing the possibility of some biofuel crops becoming invasive species.

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29th September 2006

IEMA Futures Project Opens

IEMA aims to understand future needs of the environmental management and sustainability profession.

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22nd September 2006

Branson pledges $3bn to combat global warming

The Independent reports: There seem to be no bounds to Sir Richard Branson's generosity - or his ability to grab the limelight. Yesterday the chairman of Virgin pledged $3bn (�1.6bn) over the next 10 years to combat glob...

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21st September 2006

Mobility week puts focus on urban transport–climate link

From 16 to 22 September 2006, countries all over Europe are participating in the European Mobility Week. A wide range of activities are taking place to raise awareness, especially on the issue of climate change.

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21st September 2006

Northerners are best energy savers, report says

Homes in the north of England are more energy efficient than those in the south, according to a survey released today. Analysis carried out by British Gas found all 10 of the least efficient areas were based in or around...

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21st September 2006

The heat is on – South Yorkshire is breaking its remaining ties with coal

The battle of the brooms is over. After a decades-long war against drifts of coal soot inches deep on their window sills, the residents of Sheffield Road in Barnsley have finally seen the back of King Coal. Fifteen years...

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21st September 2006

EU Parliament Environment Committee votes on Euro 5 standards

The European Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety has voted in favour of introducing Euro 5 emission standards for new cars from 1 September 2009. All new vehicles with a maximum laden...

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