Our latest IEMA News

4th September 2006

Progress on wave power development

The Scottish Executive intends to support a new project in wave power technology that will harness energy from the seas around Scotland, it was confirmed last week. Speaking following a visit to the Pelamis wave energy p...

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4th September 2006

Commission to get tough with carmakers on CO2 cuts

The Commission threatened EU car manufacturers with legally binding measures after new data shows that they are failing to deliver promised CO2 cuts.

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4th September 2006

California sets global example with historic deal to reduce emissions

The state of California is embarking on a ground-breaking effort to curb global warming, following an agreement between Arnold Schwarzenegger, the state's movie star Republican Governor, and the Democrat-dominated state ...

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24th August 2006

Clinton Launches Clinton Climate Initiative

Clinton today launched the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), a Clinton Foundation initiative dedicated to making a difference in the fight against climate change in practical and measurable ways.

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24th August 2006

London Climate Change Partnership – Adapting to climate change

In early 2006, the London Climate Change Partnership commissioned the consultants acclimatise, to review how other major international cities are managing climate risks.

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24th August 2006

DEFRA Plans for Industry's Carbon Cuts

Details of how industry will be expected to reduce carbon emissions in the face of climate change have been announced by Defra. The National Allocation Plan (NAP) focuses on the biggest carbon emitters and more carbon em...

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22nd August 2006

EAC Report: 'Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport'

The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) has published its Ninth Report of Session 2005-06, 'Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport'.

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22nd August 2006

Evidence base Review on Attitudes to Climate Change and Transport.

In September 2005, Dr Jillian Anable together with Dr Ben Lane and Dr Tanika Kelay were commissioned by the UK Department for Transport to undertake an Evidence based review of public attitudes to climate change and trav...

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22nd August 2006

Tories plan tax rise on air travel

David Cameron's transport policy review team will propose a radical programme for steep tax rises on air travel and gas-guzzling cars offset by cuts in council tax, VAT and national insurance, it was revealed last night.

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22nd August 2006

EU warns Poland over environment

Poland could face legal action and EU penalties for failing to "adequately protect" its natural habitats, a European Commission official has said.

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