Our latest IEMA News

22nd August 2006

Environment minister accepts plan to direct mud flow into sea

Environmental Affairs Minister Rachmat Witoelar has finally accepted a plan to direct hot mud flow into the sea, only after the mud has been processed into water.

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22nd August 2006

Italian Eco–Friendly Valley Is Model for Europe

An example of coexistence of a healthy economy, environmental care and social well being, Varese Ligure, in the northwestern Italian valley of Vara, is perhaps Europe's cleanest and most ecologically friendly community.

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22nd August 2006

Crowded living environment impacts quality of life

Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities � Vietnam's two largest � have seen the quality of living decline as the environment worsens, said an economist at a seminar opened Tuesday.

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22nd August 2006

Breathing Spaces – The Importance of Parks for Quality of Life

Julia Thrift was director of Cabe Space from 2003-06 and wrote in The Guardian (www.guardian.co.uk): Protecting public parkland has much more than aesthetic value for the surrounding community. It brings big dividends in...

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22nd August 2006

Dutch Diplomat to Head UN Climate Change Convention

Secretary-General Kofi Annan has announced the appointment of a Dutch climate expert to lead the United Nations body responsible for monitoring an international climate change treaty.

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22nd August 2006

Rising Temps & Forest Fires More Likely Warm Climate Experts

Rising temperatures will increase the risk of forest fires, droughts and flooding over the next two centuries, UK climate scientists have warned. Even if harmful emissions were cut now, many parts of the world would fac...

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22nd August 2006

Defra unveils 'wiki'

Stakeholders have been encouraged by Defra to help draft an 'environment contract' for the UK on a website where anyone can edit the content. The wiki - an experiment in collaborative working - has received the backing o...

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22nd August 2006

Some in Calif. seek ice to ease crunch

City and utility officials throughout Southern California are eyeing a new system that relies on ice to store energy for air conditioners as a possible way to cut peak commercial consumption and reduce the threat of crip...

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10th August 2006

DEFRA's Waste Strategy – Responses Made Public

Defra has today published all the responses to the consultation on its Waste Strategy Review. More than 4,000 submissions covering a wide range of opinions were received during the three month consultation that finished ...

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10th August 2006

Acid rain in China threatening food chain

China's sharp rise in sulphur dioxide emissions, the main component of acid rain, is ruining the nation's croplands and threatening the food chain in rivers and lakes, experts said Sunday.

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