Our latest IEMA News

10th August 2006

Canada Hit by Soaring Temperatures

The North may not be sweltering like other parts of Canada, but the region is still sharing in the country's record-setting temperature run, a senior climatologist with Environment Canada says. Nationally, average temper...

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10th August 2006

Biofuels May Not Be Sustainability Panacea, According to Bank Sarasin Report

Biofuels (such as bioethanol and biodiesel) are touted as eco-friendly alternative energies helping to solve a host of problems clouding the oil industry, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contributing to climate ...

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10th August 2006

Badly–built offices 'costing companies millions'

Badly built offices are costing British business millions of pounds each year in wasted energy costs, according to research released today by international architects, Gensler.

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27th July 2006

Soho So Hot in London

Power cuts at the heart of London's West End have left thousands of people without electricity on one of the hottest days of the year. Businesses have been urged to switch off air conditioning, Oxford Circus Tube statio...

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27th July 2006

Flood defence works under pressure as environment agency faces cuts

Flood defences throughout Yorkshire could be put under increasing pressure as the Environment Agency faces another wave of multi-million-pound cuts. In a highly unusual move, the Government is considering imposing the la...

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27th July 2006

UK set to miss EU waste targets

The UK faces fines of up to �180m a year from the European Union, because it is likely to miss targets for reducing the amount of waste that is tipped into landfill sites, the National Audit Office warned today. The spen...

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26th July 2006

Regional Chairs Meeting – July 2006

St. Nicholas House hosted the Regional Chairs Meeting on Wednesday 19th July. The Regional Chairs spent the day discussing their regions, sharing ideas to improve events and tackle any problems, with the overall aim of d...

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26th July 2006

Tackling climate change

A new work programme to better understand how climate change will affect the British-Irish Council administrations has been agreed today. At a British-Irish Council (BIC) Environment Group meeting held today, it was agre...

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26th July 2006

R&D funding for renewable energies in the balance

The Commission is about to drop a Parliament decision to ring fence two thirds of the EU's energy research budget for renewables, European renewable energy industry associations have warned.

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26th July 2006

Newhaven Energy Recovery Plant Cleared for Action

A waste incinerator for Newhaven has moved closer this morning (July 25). The Environment Agency has said it is 'readyto issue' a permit for the burner. Individuals or organisations now have 20 days from July 25 to make ...

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