Our latest IEMA News

10th August 2006

Save energy, save the climate, save money

Energy issues have a major impact on environment, employment and the everyday life of EU citizens. Both the trend of increasing energy prices and the necessity to limit emissions are raising energy issues on the agendas ...

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10th August 2006

Dangerous Climate Change: rising sea–levels and ocean circulation changes

Professor Bill McGuire's work says Dangerous climate change is a legal term introduced by the UN in its 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which calls for the stabilisation of greenhouse gases so as to...

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10th August 2006

An Evidence Based Review of Public Attitudes to Climate Change and Transport Behaviour

The message being put out around this new Dept of Transport report (228 pages) entitled "An Evidence Based Review of Public Attitudes to Climate Change and Transport Behaviour" is that "Public ignorant of transport clima...

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10th August 2006

UN Joins Forces with Asian Institutions to Launch Environment Initiative

Reduce, reuse and recycle are the watchwords of a new initiative announced today by the United Nations and key Asian institutions aimed at promoting the sustainable use of natural resources and environmental efficiency.

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10th August 2006

Environmental Improvement Vital to Inward Investment

A major transnational conference is being held as part of the Interreg IIIB project 'Creating a Setting for Investment', and is hosted by Sheffield City Council, South Yorkshire Forest Partnership and Sheffield Universit...

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10th August 2006

Study raises new doubts about carbon storage

The capture and storage of CO2 deep underground may prove an environmentally risky solution to global warming, a US government experiment revealed.

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10th August 2006

Solo living's eco threat

The rising number of one-person households in England and Wales will put increased pressure on the environment, research out today revealed. People living on their own consume more energy and create more waste than indiv...

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10th August 2006

The National Energy Efficiency Awards

Entries are now being taken from organisations and individuals who can demonstrate significant energy savings with particular interest paid to projects that are innovative, creative and can be easily replicated.

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10th August 2006

Public awarded greater say over EU environmental law

Public participation in environmental decision-making is to be strengthened after EU Ministers agreed to the principles of the Aarhus Convention. But they stopped short of allowing NGOs the right to drag member states to...

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10th August 2006

Introduction to Invasive Non–native Species

What are invasive non-native species? An invasive non-native species is one that has been transported outside of its natural range and that threatens environmental, agricultural or economic resources. Non-natives are con...

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