Our latest IEMA News

25th July 2006

Food for thought

Millions of tonnes of edible food is dumped into landfill each year. A charity is launching a scheme to put it to better use and supermarkets are considering recycling food into energy.

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25th July 2006

Space images show UK sweltering

Sensors in space have recorded the dramatic increases in land temperatures and air pollution as the UK swelters in record-breaking July heat. The images show major cities like London, Birmingham and Liverpool experienci...

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25th July 2006

California heat tests power grid

Scorching heat is still severely stretching power supplies in parts of the US, with consumers warned of more shortages unless they reduce demand. The National Weather Service has issued another excessive heat warning for...

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24th July 2006

EU plans revision of intricate e–waste laws

Broad disparities in the way EU directives on electric and electronic waste are interpreted at national level have prompted the Commission to start reviewing the laws even before they started to apply on 1 July.

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24th July 2006

Kansas Bakes – Sweltering

With temperatures in the high 90s and low 100s, Kansas is seeing the effects of a heat wave it hadn't seen for two years. In Manhattan, the National Weather Service expects a 106-degree day Wednesday, July 19, and has is...

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24th July 2006

Green Planning Guide For Local Authorities

Reducing the environmental impact of new development is an increasing problem for local authority planning leaders, but a new report published recently could help. The report Planning Policies for Sustainable Building co...

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24th July 2006

Ford to invest £1bn in green technology in UK

Ford, the US car maker, will spend £1bn in the UK over the next six years developing environmentally friendly engine technologies and vehicle designs. The investment will cover a range of green technologies aimed at redu...

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24th July 2006

EU environment ministers push for eco–efficiency

Increased eco-efficiency, new ecotaxes and abolishing harmful subsidies are the main elements of the new generation of EU environment policy advocated by the Finnish Presidency during the informal meeting of environment ...

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24th July 2006

Climate Change Threat to Pacific Ocean Mangroves

Action is needed to conserve mangroves in the Pacific amid concern that rising sea levels, linked with climate change, are set to drown large areas of these precious and economically important ecosystems, the United Nati...

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24th July 2006

China to invest 175 billion USD for better environment protection

China, in the midst of rapid industrialization, plans to invest 175 billion us dollars in environmental protection during the 11th five year plan, more than 1.5 per cent of the National GDP, the government has announced.

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