Our latest IEMA News

14th December 2005

Norwegian killer whales most toxic mammals in Arctic

Initial scientific results show Norwegian killer whales are the most toxic mammals in the Arctic, says WWF, the global conservation organization.

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14th December 2005

Human Treatment of Nature Significantly Threatens Health

With 60 per cent of nature's gifts that support life on Earth, such as fresh water, clean air and relatively stable climate, being degraded or used unsustainably, the harm to human health, despite net gains, is already b...

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14th December 2005

New Tory Leader Takes on Climate Challenge

Conservative leader David Cameron has set up a policy group on the environment to pave the way for "tough decisions" on cutting greenhouse gas. The group, chaired by ex-Environment Secretary John Gummer and environmenta...

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14th December 2005

UN Conference Agrees on Future Steps to Tackle Climate Change

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal concluded today with the adoption of more than forty decisions that will strengthen global efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

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14th December 2005

Call 'saved climate change deal'

A deal to tackle global warming was salvaged after Britain made a direct appeal to Washington, it has emerged. US delegates had walked out of the UN climate change conference in Montreal. But they later returned and agre...

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14th December 2005

Public Support for New Nuclear Power Plants Low According to UN Poll

While majorities of citizens generally support the continued use of existing nuclear reactors, most people do not favour building new nuclear power plants, according to a new 18-country opinion survey sponsored by the Un...

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14th December 2005

30,000 miles to the Christmas Dinner Table for Turkey and Trimmings

Ingredients for a typical Christmas dinner may have travelled 30,000 miles from producers and growers to the UK dinner table � damaging the environment and undermining local economies, Euro-MP Caroline Lucas warned this ...

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14th December 2005

Huge Petrol Storage Plant Up in Flames in UK

A suspected leak from a petrol storage tank is thought to have sparked the huge explosions at a fuel depot in Hertfordshire early yesterday, causing the largest fire of its kind seen in peacetime Europe.

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14th December 2005

Reducing Scotland's 'ecological 'footprint'

Ministers today set out an urgent programme of action to improve quality of life, protect natural resources and reduce Scotland's impact on the global environment.

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14th December 2005

Broken promises on greener homes

More back pedalling on energy efficiency need to have plenty of demand for those new nuclear power stations perhaps

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