Our latest IEMA News

14th December 2005

UK Government admits emissions reductions goals off target

Environmental minister Eliott Morley has admitted the UK is only on target to cut emissions by 11% by 2010, just over half of the 20% objective.

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14th December 2005

Bold, Creative Solutions to Climate Change Needed

Citing evidence of climate change "all around us," from declining Arctic ice to increasingly frequent extreme weather, with looming threats ranging from species extinction to human health hazards, United Nations Deputy S...

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14th December 2005

Waste–to–Energy Plans for the UK

The debate over whether waste-to-energy projects should be under the renewable energy umbrella may continue for years. In the meantime, waste will continue to build up unabated, and companies will continue to propose new...

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14th December 2005

UN Aviation Agency Pledges to do More to Reduce Global Warming Emissions

Calling for �greener' air transport, the United Nations aviation agency today marked International Civil Aviation Day with a pledge to make even greater efforts to ensure that plane flights do less harm to the environmen...

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14th December 2005

2005 Sets Record for Weather–Related Disasters UN Climate Conference Told

This year witnessed the largest financial losses ever as a result of weather-related natural disasters linked by many to human action, more than $200 billion compared to $145 billion in 2004, the previous record, accordi...

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14th December 2005

Bush asked to rethink Kyoto

Nearly one-fourth of United States senators on Monday wrote President George W Bush seeking his participation in discussions on global warming, as a United Nations conference meets in Montreal.

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14th December 2005

New International Finance Corporation Sustainability Standards: Watershed or Watered Down?

A group of socially responsible investors express concern over perceived shortcomings in the proposed IFC policy revisions, while the IFC points out where the policies break new ground.

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14th December 2005

How the wind could be our best weapon against global warming

Wind power has far greater potential than previously thought for providing countries in the developing world with access to cheap and clean energy, new data suggests. Already China, environmentally, probably the most imp...

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14th December 2005

Oil firm fined £25,000 for spill

Oil company BP has been fined £25,000 following a pollution alert in the North Sea. The firm was prosecuted after diesel gushed into the water as a supply vessel refuelled the Lomond Platform, about 160 miles east of Ab...

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14th December 2005

Recyclers' rubbish dumped abroad

UK Councils are investigating what happens to their recycled rubbish after the BBC revealed 500 tonnes had been shipped unsorted to Indonesia. Customs at Jakarta impounded containers holding mixed up paper, cardboard, pl...

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