Our latest IEMA News

14th December 2005

EU clean air strategy

In September 2005, the Commission presented a strategy to reduce air pollution in Europe targetting five main pollutants. The key new elements of the strategy is to extend clean air laws into new sectors - including agri...

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1st December 2005

Biggest UK Demo on Climate Change Lined Up for London

London to take part in the world's first 'global' protest against climate chaos. Keith Taylor, Green Party Principal Speaker, today hailed the London Climate March on Saturday December 3rd "a vital piece of direct action...

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30th November 2005

Kyoto 'Rule Book' Finalised in Montreal

The United Nations Climate Change Conference today voted to finalize the 'rule book' of the Kyoto Protocol, putting into concrete form the 1997 landmark treaty designed to curb the greenhouse gas emissions that have been...

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30th November 2005

Brown Not Green Claim FoE

Friends of the Earth expressed shock at the Chancellor's announcement at CBI annual conference today that the Government will abandon its only policy measure to date requiring more environmentally responsible corporate b...

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30th November 2005

Ireland bottom in Europe on environment

Ireland has been ranked bottom of a new European league table on the environment after failing to meet key international targets in four out of nine areas.

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30th November 2005

Calls for the Protection of Earth's Climate at UN Conference

Calls for action to protect the earth's vulnerable climate led off the first ever meeting of the 157 countries that have signed onto the United Nations-backed Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce the so-called "greenhous...

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28th November 2005

UN Sponsored Report Urges Stronger Protection of Endangered Sea Mammals

A United Nations-sponsored report released last wee urges extra protection for the world's small cetaceans -- dolphins, porpoises and related species -- more than two-thirds of which are at risk from entanglement in fish...

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28th November 2005

UN Programme aims at Environmentally Sound Disposal of Electronic Waste

A programme of action in the Asia-Pacific region to dispose of electrical and electronic waste in an environmentally sound way and stop its illegal trafficking was launched today, with the support of the United Nations E...

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28th November 2005

UN on Standby to Help China in Russia River Pollution

A United Nations environmental team is on standby to help both Chinese and Russian authorities, if requested, following the contamination of the Songhua River after a large explosion at a petro-chemical plant in China's ...

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28th November 2005

Nuclear power? Don't dismiss it

We cannot afford to dither any longer about the impending energy crisis. All governments must act now The great game of the 21st century is being played out before our eyes, but few seem to notice.

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