Our latest IEMA News

26th July 2005

Sustainability in Housebuilding Iniative

The Home Builders Federation (HBF) in partnership with the Housing Corporation have come together with leading stakeholder groups and experts to launch a major new sustainability initiative � Sustainability in Housebuild...

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26th July 2005

UK Government Study Finds GM Superweed

New government research, revealed today, reports on the discovery of the first genetically modified (GM) superweed in the UK - the result of GM oilseed rape cross-breeding with a common weed in the farm scale trials.

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26th July 2005

Utility Vehicles Under Fuel Microscope

Fuel-guzzling sports utility vehicles came under the microscope on Friday as the European Commission unveiled proposals aimed at drastically cutting vehicle-pollution emissions.

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26th July 2005

Confederation of British Industry Quizzes EU Commission

Members and guests of the CBI's Environmental Affairs Committee met with officials of the EU Commission's Enterprise and Environment DGs on 30 June to discuss a range of environmental concerns.

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26th July 2005

Blue Skies, Green Cities

Ignoring inaction at the highest levels of the U.S. government, 145 mayors across the country have formed a coalition to combat global warming and begun to reshape their cities using innovative programmes and technologie...

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14th July 2005

Green energy will never meet needs, says Exxon

The Guardian, 7 July 2005, reports ExxonMobil has dismissed solar and wind energy as "inconsequential" and urges politicians to concentrate on sources that would continue to provide 99% of future energy needs.

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14th July 2005

China's Building for the Environment

The South China Morning Post, on 6 July 2005 reports: - A growing number of developers are adopting green building strategies as a way to vie for multinational corporate tenants who prefer features that will save energy,...

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14th July 2005

Biogas and biofuels: high growth rates in 2004

Crude biogas production in 2004 shows a growth of 9%. For biofuels a growth of 25.7% is seen in 2004.

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14th July 2005

Permanent phthalates ban in toys approved

The European Parliament's approval of the ban of phthalates in toys has had mixed reactions. Consumer organisations and NGOs are relieved while the toy industry points to a "misuse of the precautionary principle".

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14th July 2005

UK overpaying £1bn for power

Liam O'Brien reports in Supply Management: British companies are paying £1 billion too much for their energy because of poor buying decisions, according to a new report.

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