Our latest IEMA News

13th July 2005

Morley Calls for Environmental Reporting

UK Environment Minister Elliot Morley stressed that business could no longer afford not to report on the environment. This came as he published for consultation, a new generation of guidelines, to help UK business manage...

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12th July 2005

Companies step up the pressure for greener business travel

The Financial Times, 6 July 2005 reports - George W. Bush, US president, may have difficulty admitting the extent to which human activity - such as rapidly increasing air travel - is to blame for global warming but airli...

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12th July 2005

Weak climate deal at stunned Gleneagles

Leaders at the G8 summit are preparing a common statement underlining the seriousness of climate change but without any concrete commitments on targets or actions.

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12th July 2005

Environment Agency for England & Wales Worried by Hazardous Waste Apathy

Worrying figures from the Environment Agency reveal that less than a third of businesses know about the new rules for hazardous waste. The figures, published at the end of June, come as the Environment Agency sets out it...

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12th July 2005

G8 – Lack Of Targets but Progress Made

The G8 Summit in Gleneagles has ended with a call from UK Prime Minister Tony Blair for a new dialogue on climate change, clean energy and sustainable development. While environmentalists criticised the lack of concrete ...

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11th July 2005

UK – new guidance helps councils on sustainable procurement

Authoritative new guidance on best practice in sustainable procurement, launched last week by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme), could help councils to significantly boost their performance when it comes ...

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11th July 2005

London 2012 – A Sustainable Olympics Are Promised

Building on the ecological and sustainable ideals developed in Sydney and Athens, London's bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games was a bid for the most sustainable Games ever. As the government department for sustainable de...

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11th July 2005

Lords to G8: UK climate policies "wildly optimistic"

US Kyoto scepticism will draw comfort from a UK House of Lords report slamming the United Nations' International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for being under political influence. The Select Committee on Economic Affair...

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11th July 2005

Resource for the Masses

In the same month that world leaders meet to discuss future policy on climate change at the G8 summit, practitioners will come together to discuss how an accurate set of data and resource flow management systems will hel...

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11th July 2005

European Commission split over environmental commitments

Two environmental strategies, due to be presented in July, are temporarily suspended awaiting a 20 July orientation debate on the costs of implementing environmental policies.

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